David Trumbull, Principal of Agathon Associates, brings over 20 years' experience in manufacturing and international trade. He advises manufacturers and retailers on U.S. federal government regulations relating to foreign trade zones, international trade, regulatory compliance, and federal procurement.Foreign Trade ZonesWhen you operate under FTZ procedures, your company is treated (for purposes of customs duties) like it's located outside the United States. David has assisted clients save money on import duties by filing Foreign Trade Zone applications with the Foreign Trade Zone Board in Washington. David knows, and is known by, the FTZ Board staff from filings of applications, comments to applications, and his FTZ hearing expert testimony. He has also worked with local FTZ Grantees (typically the local port authority or development authority).International TradeDavid has helped clients save import duties through use of the 14 free trade agreements the U.S. has in effect with 20 nations. He has also assisted clients to save money on import duties through use of trade preference programs.He has also assisted clients to file for temporary duty suspensions under the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill process.He has represented U.S. textile interests at negotiations and conferences in North America, South America, Western Europe, East Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. He was appointed, in 2007, to the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Textile and Clothing ("ITAC 13"). Re-appointed, in 2010.Regulatory ComplianceDavid assists clients understand and comply with U.S. Federal Trade Commission regulations and U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission regulations.Federal ProcurementDavid assists client understand and comply with various "Buy American" requirements in federal contracting and with 100% made in U.S.A. requirements under the "Berry Amendment" which governs acquisitions by the U.S. Department of Defense.