Internet of Things is the last stage of Internet after which it ceases to exist in the present form. Few are those who see it. That is why, unlike all the others Internet of Things solutions, xCube goes a step further. In post-Internet era of modern technology xCube technology will make easy to connect everything. xCube breakthrough technology is plug-and-play Internet of Things puzzle giving opportunity to every creative company and individual to reshape own digital surrounding. The centerpiece of xCube technology is xCube Telematics Smart City hardware building block designed to capture, compute, store and transfer data in real time. xCube bot can sense air, water, seismic or machine and act with door, light and machine.Key technologies that are applied in xCube solution are Internet of Things [IoT] and Machine-to-Machine [M2M] Communication, both focused on Big Data Analytics.xCube not just innovative technology but also innovative approach in technology application and integration is going to redefine existing and create new business processes answering to modern digital world challenges. xCube aims to transform the existing urban infrastructure low-tech networks into intelligent and energy efficient digitized infrastructure in the form of a new and superior telecommunication and digital backbone.