Vision:United Way of Lake County's Vision is to become the entrusted champion that drives improved outcomes in our community by funding services that impact education, income and health.Mission:The mission of United Way of Lake County (UWLC) is to measurably improve the quality of people's lives in Lake County.Our Work:We help people. Donations made to UWLC are used to fund the most critical issues facing our community. With such great need, deciding where to allocate funds can be challenging. This is why we rely on research. Our volunteers do the work so donors aren't faced with the difficult and daunting task of determining the best place to invest their contributions. A team of community volunteers make up our Evaluations & Investment panel. They spend months researching the needs of the community and reviewing all of the programs UWLC funds. The goal is to ensure all programs are effective, efficient and result in positive outcomes that benefit our residents. In addition to the over 50 community volunteers who make up our Evaluations & Investment panel, we also have a team of nearly 20 solution panel community volunteers who study the critical emerging needs in Lake County. They identify areas in need of attention, pinpoint gaps in current funding, develop road maps for the future and incubate new program concepts. We help people. Will you join us? Visit to find out more.