Providers of professional services such as business Advisers, Consultants, Lawyers, Accountants and Independent Software Developers rarely come from a Sales background, so they are at best apprehensive about the sales process needed to secure themselves paid work. They rarely come from a Marketing background either, and thus have little knowledge of how best to set prices. In short they are scared of selling and feel they are worth more than they charge.David Winch helps Business Advisers, Consultants and other providers of professional services to have sales conversations that make fees non-negotiable, that get the clients to handle any objections, that ensure their total commitment to their part of the deal, and that get them begging to buy so the professional doesn't have to close a sale. David Winch helps Business Advisers, Consultants and other providers of professional services get more clients saying "That's a bargain! How soon can you start? Can I give you a cheque for half your fee now?"