Small Wind Turbines, LLC is a Minnesota corporation that has commissioned the commercialization of a unique electrical generator technology for utilization in wind turbine applications. The technology was developed in Australia by GMI (Global Motors Inventions, LTD) over the course of several decades and stemmed from their successful efforts to produce very efficient motors for "proof of concept" electric vehicles. As applied to electrical power generation from wind, the result is a family of three phase AC generators encompassing the power production range from 5 kW to 100 kW. The unique generator features dual air gaps and dual stators.Once these products are installed in small wind turbines, the net result will provide renewable electricity at the lowest cost ever from a small wind system, a great return on investment, and, when using some type of energy storage service (local utility) device (batteries) or product (like NH3 or H2), can also produce income streams to the owner of the system through the sale of net excess energy.