Overland Resource Group was founded on two core beliefs:1) An organization's culture and performance are directly tied to employee engagement and 2) Success requires collaboration with all parties.With these two core beliefs guiding us for the past three decades, ORG has paired our pioneering work in employee engagement and collaboration with leading edge techniques to help clients create new realities and reverse downward spirals: saving jobs, reducing costs, transforming technologies, preventing facility closures, improving efficiency. We have seen over and over again that employee engagement is the key, and have developed time-tested processes to help generate sustainable positive momentum.We work with private and public sector organizations across all levels: the C-Suite, Union Leaders, Middle Management, and Employees to leverage collaboration and employee engagement in creating competitive advantage by jointly driving operational performance and workplace improvement.We help leaders work together to create the level of collaboration that best focuses their efforts on their real targets: whether it's gaining competitive advantage, improving quality of work life, achieving organizational transformation, or other strategic imperatives. We bring the parties together and help them establish a sustainable partnership, through which they develop desired outcomes and a roadmap for achieving them. You can learn more about ORG, leadership, employee engagement and collaboration at www.orginc.com. There you can listen to our Profiles in Collaboration podcast series, subscribe to our blog, or follow us on Twitter on @OvrlandResource. We also publish a quarterly e-newsletter, ORG INK, you can subscribe to on our website.