Corporation founded in 1990, Accuview has been a premier manufacturer of industrial and commercial grade LCD flat panel display solutions. Accuview serves and supports an ever expanding global customer base through cutting edge display solutions engineered with exceptional quality and high customization to each project. Because Accuview has complete ownership of their LCD displays and designs, Accuview is able to respond quickly and positively to your requests for modifying: electronics, mechanical, and firmware from its base platform models to fit your exact specified design.A variety of basic models are available from Accuview's product line and is cataloged for OEM and different industries to choose from. Furthermore, Accuview is constantly developing new product to meet the demands in the market place.We welcome your inquiry of few pieces to thousands for a project with mechanical or electronic new development. You will find Accuview as professional and knowledgeable partner to work with you as a team to design, build and service your projects.