Flyted S.r.l. is a start-up that uses UAS (drones), combined with advanced technologies, to carry out surveys in the field of maintenance for critical infrastructures.We are the only operator capable of collecting data, otherwise invisible, to identify deteriorations which cause the bridges to collapse.Flyted disrupts the industry by:• finalizing the most complex activities in the field of professional drones-applications, positioning as the first 'premium' drone operator;• collecting data that has never been accessed to date, through precision technologies and procedures developed over years of field experience;• processing data on advanced software to generate Digital Twins of critical infrastructures.Customers choose Flyted to obtain the highest-quality outcome, save money, and drastically reduce workplace safety concerns. Our services:• geo-referenced survey;• inspection and monitoring, both environmental and structural;• Digital Twin production;• CAD drawing production;• BIM model generation;• delivery of the processed data (point clouds, polygonal mesh, topographical reliefs, orthophotos);We also develop custom solutions to solve our Partners' problems through the adoption of UAS technologies, innovative sensors and a dedicated Digital Assets Management Cloud Platform.