Established in 1975, by Margaret "Maggi" Weston, the Weston Gallery opened with a one-man show of the works, and at the urging of her dear friend, Ansel Adams. Along with a handful of pioneering photographic dealers, Maggi's role as a gallerist played a critical role in the creation of today's photographic market. Now owned and operated by her son Matthew Weston (a grandson of Edward Weston) and his wife Davika "Davi" Weston, the Weston Gallery is a world leader in the field of fine vintage and contemporary photography. Our position of leadership stems from our deep dedication to the medium and we deal specifically in photographs as works of art. We emphasize those works which we feel are important to the overall history of 19th, modernist and 20th, as well as contemporary photography. We are fortunate to have an extensive inventory and a wealth of knowledge to assist any collector. Please contact us for general or specific inquires.