Hughes Who Productions ("Hughes Who" say it 5 times fast :- ) - Not just a tongue twister, Hughes Who is a demanding, creative & ebullient creative & game development shop of seasoned professionals who enjoy designing games. Hughes Who designs and produces: online & offline games; animations for television, videos and films; & art & gamification for start-ups, businesses, organizations & ad agencies. This includes digital & online education.Hughes Who is an enthusiastic opportunity resource shop in our urban communities that not only entertains but educates, inspires, & challenges our youth, those under-served through the introduction & fusion of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) & creative arts (art, music, & creative writing) into "STEAM". The goal is to expose young people to the business of game development & design with hands-on real world training, ultimately prepare them for professional & entrepreneurial opportunities. "Don't just play the game, get in the game! We are creating a studio within a studio to teach & train high school & college students called Hughes Who Youth Studio. These youth will work next to our professional creative team inside Hughes Who Productions & learn the business of game development.