All Windows Covered represents a consortium of small to medium sized window treatment businesses who have pooled marketing resources and leveraged buying power to increase their competitiveness and ROI. All Windows Covered was founded by a team of marketing and business experts with a plethora of success in the Window Treatment Industry. Our mission is to provide reputable local window treatment businesses with the leveraged buying power, professional marketing support, and state of the art technology that would otherwise not be cost effective for the typical local dealer.Most notable of our team's accomplishments:$220,000,000 in gross sales of window treatment product and services: As a team, we were directly responsible for all aspects of marketing for several of the nation's leading window treatment dealers working with 80 plus local dealer/contractors (franchise type structure). We accomplished this by developing localized, custom, cross channel marketing strategies to include digital, print, social and more.Other accomplishments for local window treatment dealers:• Generated well over 200,000 QUALITY leads• Garnered over 2,500 testimonials and reviews• Harvested thousands of referrals and repeat sales