Dawn Hurlebaus, Owner & CEO of SolacePath LLC, has over 30 years experience in Corporate America as a VP of IT Education overseeing all Marketing, Sales and Operations. She has won countless National Awards including Marketing Manager of the Year (multiple times) and Partner of the Year (multiple times) by some of the largest IT companies in the Industry for her Marketing and Business Achievements. Ms Hurlebaus is a believer in leading her team by example and has over 15 Industry Certifications. Following her passion and calling to serve others, she opted to start her own business. Not only is SolacePath known for their excellent Creative Services, but SolacePath is the parent company for StudioSafari Photography and Slimpressions, a womens shapewear company that was started in 2005 and purchased by Ms. Hurlebaus November 18, 2016. Read the press release On a personal level, Ms. Hurlebaus is a wife and mother to 3 children. She has been a professional photographer since 1985 and loves traveling and camping when she isn't working. She is extremely active at her church and with the Archdiocese of Atlanta. She gives tirelessly to the community and lives each day simply trying to make someone smile. Her compassion and love for others is infectious.The mission of SolacePath is simple… We Serve Everyone. We live by this each and every day, changing the world 1 person at a time.