Day Davis

Social Media Specialist at Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church - Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Day Davis's Contact Details
(501) 324-8000
Little Rock, Arkansas Area
Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church
Day Davis's Company Details
Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church logo, Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church contact details

Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church

Little Rock, Arkansas, US • 500 - 999 Employees
Religious Groups

Our Mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ equipped to transform the world with excellence and passion. Our four areas of focus, not just for the Arkansas Conference, but for all United Methodists are: Developing principled Christian leaders; Creating new places for new people by starting congregations and renewing existing ones; Engaging in ministry with the poor; and Stamping out killer diseases by improving health globally.

Arkansas Conference Umc Rev Maxine Allen Rebekah Miles Umc Vbs Workshop Pdf Vbs Kits Akranas Umc
Details about Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church
Frequently Asked Questions about Day Davis
Day Davis currently works for Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Day Davis's role at Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church is Social Media Specialist.
Day Davis's email address is *** To view Day Davis's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Day Davis works in the Religious Groups industry.
Day Davis's colleagues at Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church are David Ruehr, Nathan Kilbourne, Melanie Tubbs, Daniel Thueson, George Odell, Sara Andrews, Blake Bradford and others.
Day Davis's phone number is (501) 324-8000
See more information about Day Davis