Smart devices Development for IoT, GNSS, LPWAN Lora, ESP32 microcontrollers and integration with decentralized data technologies.Working in Energy and Information Technology environments, research and development of innovative solutions focused on technologies that dictate the paths of mobility and communication between machines, systems and people.*Remote Monitoring:Monitoring sensors for presence, dry and magnetic contacts, temperature, humidity, gas detection, we develop the solution according to the needs of the installation.* Smart Air Conditioning:Automate the operation of the air conditioning system in a simple way and with an immediate return in savings in electricity consumption using Artificial Intelligence.* GPS geolocation:Devices for monitoring by high precision GPS. Ideal for application in fleets that demand security in the transmitted data and customized functions.* Logistics and Supply Chain:Sensors that monitor and connect production chains from raw materials to the final consumer, with blockchain records ensuring data auditability.* Agriculture and Livestock:Positioning machinery and animals, monitoring weather and soil conditions using sensors that work at distances greater than 50 km without internet.*Long Distance Communication:Wireless networks with Lora technology are capable of serving smart devices with miles of range. Build your 'Internet of Things' network!* Home automation:Appliance, electronics and electronics manufacturers can easily integrate their product with the latest automation technologies.