Water quality management is an expensive and time-consuming business. In order to monitor water quality, samples must be taken regularly and chemically analysed.It is decided, on the basis of these results, whether there is a worrying level of contamination. Very often, the result of the analysis will indicate that contamination thresholds have not been exceeded. The MOSSELMONITOR®, capable of noting contamination and issuing an alarm without external control and without an extensive analysis system, was developed in order to monitor the water continuously. The system is based on the behaviour of mussels. In clean water, mussels move the two halves of their shells according to a characteristic pattern. They remain open for the majority of the time, and only close for short periods. A mussel in contaminated water behaves differently. Tests have shown that mussels react differently to different substances. Just like all other biological sensors (including fish, daphnia and bacteria), they are not equally sensitive to all substances. For many substances, detection levels have been laid down (and the list is continuously being extended). Using the movement pattern recognition system of mussels, it is perfectly possible to monitor water quality, both in fresh and in salt water.