We are a forward thinking group of fixed ops professionals that gather every Tuesday to listen to experts, discuss ideas, solve problems and compare solutions. Powered by Quantum5The First Ever Sustainable Training Tech for Automotive. At Quantum⁵, we help dealers stabilize and grow sales and service performance with a technology/community that never stops working to improve the skills of the team. Quantum⁵ delivers personalized experiences to automotive industry teams focused on sustaining their training, building community among their peers and developing skills to maximize lifetime value of automotive customers. Our magic is the longevity of the training through our gamified app experience. In combination with our community management team, community architecture and data, we can continue to grow skills agnostic of dealer systems and processes. The result? An advocacy program that builds lifetime value for customers and enables dealership staff to learn how they live. You can find out more about Quantum⁵ at www.quantum5.ai.