My Home Page on Consciousness is a scientifically based 'sales letter' that covers what people want to know before they buy. It is too long for my taste and will get shorter, and hopefully even more clear on some very simple points about how life works, and doesn't work!But, it does make the points we need to know AND it may be one of the most integrated presentations on this that I have ever done.How to talk about that which is beyond concept and into a vision of our future?THE CONSCIOUS VIEW is now a blog at: handled by my lovely wife Kristy, who all Spirits love and enjoy, and me when I'm not doing something else, so blog with us about consciousness and any questions about the 100+ Rectified Thinking Solutions in my NEW e Book.NEW e Book overviews 40 years of client CONFUSIONS plus the 100+ Rectified 'Thinking' Solution that allowed them to 'think clearly' (about the Reality of energy) to NOT needlessly program degeneration by acting UNCONSCIOUSLY.CONSCIOUSNESS is the only elegant solution, because its the only thing that gives us a choice! (to choose a clearer path)