What is MPF?myPortableFinance is a Personal Finance Management app designed to remove the hassle of finance tracking, income & expense management, debt & savings management, tax management and a whole lot more - by utilising automatic bank sync, key performance indicators, dashboards (with graphs), automation and intelligent algorithms.Available on any platform - Web (Online), Android (Google Play Store), Apple (Safari)We make your finance toolbox portable!What makes us different?We understand finance management isn't just income and expenses. Our aim is to be the worlds first all-in-one finance management software that incorporates all your needs. This means providing you with the tools to truly understand and manage your finances; preparation - be ready for your expenses, notifications - know when your expenses are due, track - keep your history and learn.The myPortableFinance team strives to innovate and bring you new, impactful features. Some of our ideas that are now a reality in MPF are; Tax Deduction Management, Vehicle Expense Management (Dashboard), Yearly Expense Cover, Highest Earner/Highest Expense Tracking and there is much more to come.