The scope of our projects include; implementing Carbon Capture from Ethanol Production, Power Generation, Concrete Manufacturing, and other industrial flue gasses for use in the Phyta-Platform Photobioreactor for cultivation enhancement of algae. Our proprietary and very robust strains of algae can be Genetically Modified to have a very high sugar and starch content, or a very high Lipid Oil content. This sugar and starch can be extracted and utilized as feedstock for Ethanol production. The Lipid oil can be extracted with our novel patent pending process and transesterified into Biodiesel, GreenDiesel and BioJet Fuel. Algae pose many other uses as well, such as Nutritional Supplements / Nutriceuticals, Soap Feedstock, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and, of course, Aquaculture. Adding an Algae Farm to a facility that has a source of CO2 would be very lucrative.