Medical office specializing in non-narcotic pain control for acute and chronic pain. Pain may be in joint, muscle, tendon. Pain may be from inflammation, arthritis, bone-on-bone pain, gout, skin ulcers, fibromyalgia, migraines. Additional ailments may include (but not inclusive to) hyperhidrosis-excessive sweating, hair loss, skin conditions. We specialize in PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and botox depending on the location and cause of the condition. PRP is your own blood products to provide natural healing without adverse reaction or rejection. The use of botox injections depends on location and problem being addressed. Besides pain control procedures, we offer aesthetic procedures including micro-needling, LED light therapy, medical peels, massage therapy, wound healing, and age related skin conditions (acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars). We are unique in our field as we have a Medical Doctor on staff and in office to perform consults and injections. Dr. Louis "Ted" Wulfekuhler oversees each and every patient's treatment plan.