In 2006, while running a mobile content marketing company, our founders saw a problem with the way their competitors were doing business−automatically registering customers to underhanded content subscription packages that were nearly impossible to cancel. An idea formed...What if customers could be assured that their mobile purchases were protected rather than exploited? What if carriers never received complaints? And the first iteration of WMC Global was born. We quickly began working with major US carriers to deliver PSMS Industry Monitor, an industry-changing market compliance system that identified the need for clear oversight and risk reduction in mobile purchasing. We realized very quickly that if the US was having problems with mobile messaging, so too were other mature markets and over the next 5 years, opened offices in London, Sydney, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur. In 2015, we launched Market Monitor, our newest iteration of the PSMS industry monitoring tool, and a year later, on the hunt for a richer data set, we launched SpamResponse. Thanks to our work in compliance as well as advances in technology, we began to see new kinds of messaging coming through old channels. Phishing links were more commonplace, calls to care skyrocketed, and the integrity of messaging as a trusted channel was once again called into question. We decided that the only way to stop the marketplace from reverting was to offer a complete consumer protection suite, from pre- to post-campaign. Our Automatic Takedown services, Threat Detect, RISQ Score, and PhishFeed soon followed. WMC Global now operates well beyond the mobile sphere, deploying customer and brand protection solutions that encompass all market verticals and digital service sectors that fall prey to scams. Our cybersecurity products are now the most sought after in our suite, and we are excited to grow our customer protection services in this direction.