We are coaches, strategists, designers, business professionals and educators who walk our talk. If you are looking to be more productive, we help you shift behavior. We help you build the leadership traits that create better business outcomes. We are passionate champions of brining humanity to the workplace so you can get better work done.We are on a mission to bring more humanity to the workplace so we can change the world of work, together. We have developed an ecosystem to emphasize a fundamental concept: productivity is about people. Our straightforward skills and practices show you exactly how to shift behavior so that everyone, from employees to the c-suite, work better together to produce great business results.We know what works. We know that working with others is messy and that most people don't know how to navigate this well. Difficult people stall productivity. And yet, we know when working together is deeper and more connected, people give more of themselves and business wins. Sign up for our newsletter - https://humanityworks.com/newsletter/Check out our podcast, articles, & musings - https://humanityworks.com/resources/Work with us - https://humanityworks.com/work-together/