Debbie Dodds

Digital Marketing Specialist at Marketing Logix - , Texas, United States

Debbie Dodds's Colleagues at Marketing Logix
Debbie Dodds's Contact Details
Marketing Logix
Debbie Dodds's Company Details
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Marketing Logix

, Texas, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Marketing and Advertising

Marketing LOGIX is dedicated to providing leading-edge, integrated B2B sales and marketing programs and campaigns that use analytics and channel analysis to determine the true ROI on sales and marketing expenditures and the cost to acquire customers. Marketing LOGIX also supports sales teams and sales personnel in identifying high value sales opportunities and long-term customers. The Marketing LOGIX team brings versatile and accomplished senior management professionals offering over two decades of experience in strategic sales and marketing planning and execution, marketing direction, client management, and strategic alliances. The team is highly skilled in designing and implementing integrated sales and marketing solutions from concept to actualization.

Details about Marketing Logix
Frequently Asked Questions about Debbie Dodds
Debbie Dodds currently works for Marketing Logix.
Debbie Dodds's role at Marketing Logix is Digital Marketing Specialist.
Debbie Dodds's email address is *** To view Debbie Dodds's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Debbie Dodds works in the Marketing and Advertising industry.
Debbie Dodds's colleagues at Marketing Logix are Tracie Brenton and others.
Debbie Dodds's phone number is ["7135822745"]
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