Relief Coordinator at Community Living Association Inc - , Western Australia, Australia
Based in Albany on the south coast of Western Australia, the Community Living Association (CLA) was formed in 1991 and is a non-profit association that provides support for people with disabilities, and their families, to maximise personal well-being, choice and inclusion.The CLA has a strong commitment to providing a quality valued based service, and the agency believes all people can live in and contribute to a welcoming and inclusive community.CLA currently supports in excess of 100 clients, ranging in age from 11 to 70 years, including people with high and multiple support needs; people with sensory, intellectual and cognitive disabilities; people with Autism, and people with physical disabilities including Acquired Brain Injury.Supports are provided on an individually negotiated basis that fall within the associations' guidelines of service, including: Co-resident support Daytime and/or overnight support, in or out of home Assistance to go out into the local area and/or participate in community activities Arranging short stays in holiday accommodation or a support worker's home Assisting with recreational and vocational activities Assisting with practical tasks and skills development