We provide services for children with disabilities that promote higher levels of independence, self esteem, and success; to ensure that children with special needs are afforded the same opportunities to be thriving, productive members of society; to reinforce a belief that having a difference doesn't make a difference, and to demonstrate through benevolent programs and dedicated support from the Texas Elks State Association. Our Texas Elks Camp provides a 1 week camp for 6 weeks in the summer to children with special needs and who are in foster care; ages 7-15. This a sleep away camp with trained staff who live on site. The activities include; Sea World, petting zoo, themed dances, ZDTs amusement park, bowling, cookouts, acting classes and much more. Our Special Grants program provides grants for children ages 0-21; adaptive equipment, home modifications, hearing aids, glasses, specialized therapies; OT/PT/SLP.