Delivering Results - Developing People.JLA Consulting International is an elite problem solver. JLA has been solving critically important, large and complex business problems for our clients and partners over the past quarter of a century. JLA works on the kinds of problems that make a difference for our clients.In a recent study of JLA value to its clients over nine separate industries, JLA has catalogued 946 unique items where operational cost savings and incremental income opportunities were delivered to its Clients.1. save money via operational cost reduction2. improve operational value via work optimization3. increase top line revenues4. improve job margins5. expand marketplace opportunity6. elevate shareholder value7. … and much more.Business partners --JLA takes a true partnering approach with its clients --mutual goals, shared risk, timely and complete communication, and the kind of trust only found between the most successful organizational alliances. We work at all levels -from the board room to the break room, from mahogany row to the trenches. We are a virtual company that uses a professional network of over 1000 contractors to deliver extraordinary value.In its 27 year history, JLA's average client engagement is 22 months and involves multiple projects across numerous programs and departments.In addition to classic business performance improvement consultancy, we also offer two world class "specialty products":* WinManagement-A complete, comprehensive system for planning, managing and delivering very large sales. Based on a system from* Corporate TLC-Training, Learning and Coaching programs to support any initiative that the CEO wants to be absolutely certain that everyone learns, and everyone uses the new knowledge and skills [Includes all of the above, or virtually any other distance learning, blended learning, or experiential learning ]We offer a 3:1 guarantee ROI on JLA invested dollars.