Debbie Snyder-Stanton

Vice President Of Business Development at Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc. - San Diego, CA, US

Debbie Snyder-Stanton's Colleagues at Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc.
Monika Buczek

Director Of Business Development

Contact Monika Buczek

Long Do

Director of Bioinformatics and Data Science

Contact Long Do

Heather Janiga

Regulatory Compliance Officer / Safety Officer / HIPAA Privacy Officer / Executive Business Admin.

Contact Heather Janiga

Christophe Pedros

Principal Scientist, Immuno - Oncology

Contact Christophe Pedros

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Debbie Snyder-Stanton's Contact Details
Mesa,Arizona,United States
Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc.
Debbie Snyder-Stanton's Company Details
Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc. logo, Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc. contact details

Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc.

San Diego, CA, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Market Research

Certis began its journey in precision medicine, helping individual cancer patients and their oncologists determine--with certainty--the best available treatments for their unique cancers. And now, by partnering with drug innovators seeking to develop more effective, more targeted cancer therapies, we are pursuing a future where cancer is powerless against our science.ONCOLOGY INTELLIGENCEAt Certis, acquiring oncology intelligence begins with Orthotopic Patient Derived Xenograft (O-PDX) mouse models. (Orthotopic means "the correct place.") Developing O-PDX models involves surgically implanting a very small specimen of a human tumor in the corresponding anatomic location (colon, brain, pancreas, liver, lung, etc.) of specialized immunodeficient mice, effectively creating a living model of that unique cancer. Years of scientific research show that O-PDX mouse models reliably mirror the behavior of the cancer in their human counterparts, at an accelerated pace—making them ideal patient avatars for evaluating cancer therapies.Our process employs groups of O-PDX models to assess human tumor biology, identify therapeutic targets, and gain intimate knowledge about how each treatment works against specific cancers. We evaluate therapeutic response to each drug at predefined timepoints using MRI images, digital tumor volume measurements and in-depth investigations of cellular structures. Our scientists quantify and compare results– providing both numeric and visual proof of results. At study conclusion, we deliver patients, oncologists and drug innovators reliable oncology intelligence–bringing a whole new level of certainty to decision-making.

Oncology In Vivo Research Pre-Clinical Services Oncology Services Clinical Research Organization CRO PDX Patient Derived Xenografts
Details about Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Debbie Snyder-Stanton
Debbie Snyder-Stanton currently works for Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc..
Debbie Snyder-Stanton's role at Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc. is Vice President Of Business Development.
Debbie Snyder-Stanton's email address is *** To view Debbie Snyder-Stanton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Debbie Snyder-Stanton works in the Research industry.
Debbie Snyder-Stanton's colleagues at Certis Oncology Solutions, Inc. are Monika Buczek, Long Do, Heather Janiga, Christophe Pedros, Jonathan Nakashima, YUAN-HUNG CHIEN and others.
Debbie Snyder-Stanton's phone number is N/A
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