Dispute Resolution Data (DRD)The mission of Dispute Resolution Data (DRD) is to enhance and grow the field of dispute resolution through access to trusted aggregated data which maintains confidentiality, while providing insights into practices and trends for parties, dispute resolution institutions, advocates, arbitrators, mediators, researchers and policy makers.DRD does not request or publish any information from institutions regarding parties' identity, the names of the case, the advocates, the arbitrators or mediators, the substance of the award, nor associate institutions' names with their data.DRD data is extracted from international commercial arbitrations and mediations that have final awards, or agreements, and from cases settled, or withdrawn. This data is redacted, aggregated and presented by geographic region and by case type.Attorneys benefit from DRD in multiple ways, including, but not limited to:• Drafting pre-dispute clauses• Advising clients• Developing case strategies• Estimating cost budgets• Research for institutions and scholarsWe envision a world that understands the value of arbitration andmediation data through the availability and application of data.