ZGroup is the leading web and IT service group in Slovenia. We are building a conscious digital society, a socially responsible group, a secure and private online environment, and a company that earns trust. The services we provide are extremely specialized, allowing us to adapt and own the Slovenian and international markets with agility.Our clients attest to our results and the processes that lead them to the right solution, growing their business and increasing their trust in the process.Our Brands:1. Zabec.net (Most creative, crazy and innovative agency for web hosting, domain and web services in Europe.)2. DAT-IT (Premium infrastructure and managed service provider.)3. Presentia (Affordable, safe and reliable hosting services for small companies.)4. SPRD.digital (Professional development team skilled in Web & Hybrid development.)5. PRESENTIA (Affordable, safe and reliable hosting services for small companies.)6. WOO.NINJA WooCommerce provides seamless online solution for your web shop and for automating your business.)