We provide "A Captive audience for your Ads" We guarantee your ads will be seen by thousands every day. IT WORKS! in an atmosphere where people want something to read and have no other distractions. Your ads are where people are spending money - in restaurants, night spots, fitness centers, golf courses, family centers and event centers. Whizz Ads are target-able by gender, income, area, age and more. You can target like no other media. EXCLUSIVITY- no other competing business in the same venue. The most cost effective advertising available with 8.5 X 11 FULL COLOR page ads. Brand Name Recognition! People see your name over and over so when they need your products or service they think of what is familiar. Whizz Ads are easy and track-able and the recall rate is higher than any other type of print or billboard. EFFECTIVE - you have an audience who sees your ads, recalls your ads and will call or come by to see YOU and your BUSINESS!