The goal of Lovescaping is to introduce a new paradigm, in order to bring forth the change that we need in the world. Lovescaping means to practice love in action, and to set the scene for love to be central to the work we carry out in education, so schools can be places of self-discovery where students learn first and foremost how to love themselves, and how to practice love in action. Our current education systems do very little to nurture and cultivate feelings, emotions, self-value, self-esteem and self-love. How do we intend to practice love in our actions when we never learned to love ourselves? Schools need to serve as safe, loving, and nurturing environments where students learn to love. Lovescaping aims to offer a pioneering approach in teaching social and emotional learning rooted in learning how to love. It will show that only through and with love, can education be reformed to meet the needs of our troubled world. We must re-examine the framework we use as educators, making love central to the core of our work. Lovescaping is the work of my life, heavily based on my lived experiences as an educator teaching in different contexts and at different times of my life, with a methodology and a pedagogy that has always been informed by and with love. Through Lovescaping, love becomes both the means (love as pedagogy), and the end (love in action) of our human experience.