WECAN - WINDSOR ESSEX CAPITAL ANGEL NETWORK is a members-only organization comprised of investors seeking investment opportunities in promising, early-stage businesses. Located in Windsor, Ontario and focused on business funding opportunities in the Windsor-Essex Region and beyond.WECAN is powered by Equation Angels a collaboration of 4 angel groups in Southwestern Ontario.The Board of Directors of WECAN have been involved with angel investing for a number of years and we work with our membership to achieve positive returns. In addition, our linkages with other Angel Groups across Ontario, Canada and the US allow our members to participate in local, Ontario, Canadian and US investment opportunities via syndication with other like minded investors.WECAN facilitates the introduction of entrepreneurs to potential investors through business presentations, investment meetings, networking opportunities and more. The WECAN membership is comprised of individual investors interested in financing privately-owned companies and/or ventures typically in an early to mid stage of development. Membership in WECAN is a personal, non-transferable privilege, members must conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Membership Agreement and be an "accredited investor" as defined under National Instrument 45 – 106.Angel investors are typically high net-worth individuals who invest in high risk, early and mid stage ventures. A Member of: NACO - National Angel Capital Organization - (Canada) AIO - Angel Investors Ontario