Please Live is a mental health education and awareness nonprofit in central Pennsylvania. Our goal is to bring help, hope, and healing to teenagers struggling with mental health issues, particularly depression and suicide. The purpose and mission of Please Live shall be to promote help, welfare, and healing of at-risk teenage and college age students by providing educational and referral services to students, parents, and community members regarding depression, self-injury, and similar mental health issues which may lead to suicide and other unproductive life outcomes. Please Live's goal is to host mental health events at every private and public middle and high school in central PA. Please Live hopes to grow to a point where volunteer students, non-profit organizations, suicide prevention groups, and counselors unite together to educate students, youth staff, and members of our community about mental health, signs and symptoms of common illnesses, and where/how to seek help. In this way, students, family, and faculty will learn how to seek help with their struggles as well as appropriately handle the threats and warning signs of their peers.