The Washington Sustainable Growth Alliance is a non-profit partnership of regional environmental, business and civic organizations formed to enhance regional collaboration; encourage mixed-use, pedestrian- and transit-oriented development; promote housing and transportation choices for a range of incomes throughout the region, particularly infill situations; and respect and conserve significant environmental, cultural, and recreational resources. An Executive Director leads the Alliance with guidance from a board representing the organizational members, which include Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Coalition for Smarter Growth, Enterprise Community Partners, Greater Washington Board of Trade, Metropolitan Washington Builders Council ( DCBIA, MNCBIA,NVBIA), ULI Terwilliger Center for Workforce Housing, and ULI Washington. The Alliance's quarterly Smart and Sustainable Growth Recognition Program provides third-party recognition of sustainable development project proposals to help them succeed in local entitlement processes by informing regulators, public officials and citizen groups of their benefits to the community and region. The Alliance's annual Regional Conservation Priorities program promotes worthy conservation projects that need greater public awareness and support through a print publication and press event identifying the benefits of these projects and ways for readers to support them. Both programs employ independent and expert juries in the evaluation process.