Happy Rooster Coffee Company was born out of a uniquely rich and secluded area of Hawai'i, protected by twin volcanoes and enriched by sun and rain. It is with that special sense of quality, rarity, and blessing that we work with individual and family-operated Kona coffee farms that hand-pick the ripest and reddest cherries that end up in a Happy Rooster cup of coffee. Our coffee beans are all high-grade, gourmet, and 100% pure Kona coffee. We deliver the terroir of Kona - the distinct flavors imparted by Kona's micro-climate. You taste the mellow sweetness on your palate and smooth richness that never cloys. It's the right balance of delicate blossoms and rich caramel, of sun and rain. We specially wood-roast our Kona coffee beans in very small batches to achieve a specific level of color, consistency, body, and flavor. The wood imparts a special flavor and aroma to our coffee that cannot be achieved through standard automated roasting techniques. Our unique wood-roasting techniques add a subtle complexity and richness that refine the coffee profile. Our coffee beans are wood-roasted to recipe. Roasting is an art. Wood-roasting is fine art. We at Happy Rooster Coffee Company hope you enjoy our unique Kona coffee and wish you sunny mornings, refreshing rain, and clear nights. Aloha!