Debra Hopkinson

Chief Operating Officer at EHNAC - Simsbury, CT, US

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Simsbury, CT, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Setting Healthcare Data Standards\\Founded in 1993, the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) is a federally-recognized, standards development organization and tax-exempt, 501(c)(6) non-profit accrediting body designed to improve transactional quality, operational efficiency and data security in healthcare.\\Advancing healthcare through standards.\An independent, self-governing body, EHNAC represents a diverse cross-section of healthcare stakeholders. Electronic health networks, payers, hospitals, physicians, consumer groups, financial services firms, security organizations and vendors are all working together to establish sound criteria for self-regulation.\\Improving your business through accreditation.\Through this collaboration, EHNAC is realizing a shared vision and providing a valuable service through accreditation services that promote standards, administrative simplification and open competition in the marketplace. Each EHNAC-recognized organization improves business processes, encourages innovation, improves quality of service, ensures HIPAA compliance, and expands market opportunities.\\EHNAC Mission Statement\To promote standards-based accreditation within the healthcare data exchange industry.

Accreditation Data standards Business evaluation Privacy and security
Details about EHNAC
Frequently Asked Questions about Debra Hopkinson
Debra Hopkinson currently works for EHNAC.
Debra Hopkinson's role at EHNAC is Chief Operating Officer.
Debra Hopkinson's email address is *** To view Debra Hopkinson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Debra Hopkinson works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Debra Hopkinson's colleagues at EHNAC are David Hopkinson, Lee Barrett, Susan Flynn, Karen Perry, Deborah Meisner and others.
Debra Hopkinson's phone number is N/A
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