Song For Israel is a non-profit organization (functioning under "Hill of Hope," a 501c3), partnering with pro-Israel organizations in order to build support for Israel through education; providing events (in Orange County); & service opportunities both in the United States & in Israel in this manner: Educate Christians in the Biblical & moral imperatives of supporting Israel. We accept invitations to come to your church, synagogue or non-religious organization to share from the Bible why it is biblically relevant to support Israel. You will learn the Biblical beginnings of Israel, prophecies which apply to Israel both fulfilled & for future fulfillment. Take a political stand in Orange County, the nation and the world in support of Israel. Learn about hands-on experiences that will help you take a stand & make a difference! Get connected with organizations already making a difference politically. Network organizations with service projects to financially and physically support Israel. Song For Israel maintains a list of non-profit organizations, churches and synagogues in Israel with which you may be connected.. If you are a church or a synagogue in the United States, we will work within your criteria and help you find a church or synagogue in Israel that will match your criteria for involvement. There are many non-profit organizations ranging from helping to build bomb shelters, join archeological digs, or even dance companies in order to further their growth.