Flooded Cellar Productions is an international communications company supplying news and feature stories to global broadcasters, corporate clients and international organisations. Since 2002, wehave worked in Europe, throughout Africa and the Middle East and in Central and South EastAsia.In recent years, we have played an advisory role on communication strategydevelopment for some of the most prominent agencies currently working inthe fields of international development and poverty alleviation.Consultancies for international organisations, social enterprises andindividuals working in and for the Global South have included media campaigns, public awareness and funding drives, advocacy andcommunications training, TV broadcast production training and broadcastproduction for global broadcasters including BBC, CNN, DW-TV, Al-Jazeera,RAI among many others.Our long form documentaries have concentrated on human rights issues with strong current-affairs themes, such as the role sharia law plays in emerging democracies, with Amina Lawal - In the Name of God, shot in Nigeria. The importance of education in the vacuum left by the Taliban is the subject of An Afghan Future and the struggle of the Hadzabe tribe inEast Africa for their land rights is the theme of Hadza Voices.