The California Association of Professional Employees (CAPE, AFL-CIO) is the exclusive bargaining unit representative for more than 2700 professional employees of the County of Los Angeles.CAPE was formed in 1964 by employees who recognized the need for fair and effective representation in their dealings with county management.CAPE's representation extends into the areas of collective bargaining of Memorandums of Understanding (work contracts), collective bargaining of Fringe Benefits, Grievances, Job-Related Legal Services, Communications, Legislative / Political Advocacy, Health Benefits, and various Member Services.The 2700 CAPE-represented employees come from seven groups within the county workforce:Unit 131Appraisers Non-SupervisoryUnit 501Professional EngineersUnit 511Engineering TechniciansUnit TTechnical Support Unit - Sanitation DistrictsUnit 132Supervisory AppraisersUnit 502Supervising Professional EngineersUnit 512Supervising Engineering Technicians