The vehicle repossession business is a segment in India facing many challenges, which makes the execution a bit difficult. Surprisingly, the business owners were themselves not aware that having technology into the system can make their job easy and way more effective. On starting the conversation in this business was itself a challenge for us initially because they were used to of this legacy system so much, that any change in the process was scary for them.Easy Recovery started having this conversation with the business owner and slowly we were able to make them understand that having a system like Easy Recovery can make their life easy and business more profitable.Easy Recovery Solution will be a 3rd party solution for Banks and NBFC's. Our solution will be a middle layer system through which all the authorized vehicle recovery agencies. Having this system will provide the complete traceability to the banks, and NBFC's about recovery agencies' activities. This will provide benefits like1. Data Security2. Recovery Agents activities.3. Data Analysis4. Stopping activities of unauthorized agenciesAnd many more.