Development Engineers has been formed in 1988 , with a group of professionals in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Town Planning, Land Scaping and Project Consultancy & Monitoring. Besides arrangements of collaborations have been made with a number of professional firms based in different parts of India whose services are of particular significance in research, feasibility studies and project development .OBJECTIVE :Development Engineers is primarily concerned with problems of human settlement and industrial growth involving identification of problems, examination of implication, development of clear brief in agreement with client, working out limitations and targets, qualifications, quantification, evaluations of relevant factors leading to an ideal solution.PROPRIETOR :OMPRAKASH BASUB. E. (Civil), C. Eng.(I), M. I . E., A. M. C. S. I., M. I. G. S.,M. I. Struct. E. (India), M. Am. Soc. C. E.CHARTERED STUCTURAL ENGINEER