ATC Property Maintenance Limited is a real estate company located in Units 1&2 RJ Mitchell Centre, Spitfire Quay, Hazel Road, Woolston, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 7GB, UKATC Property Maintenance Ltd was established in 2003 and became a limited company in 2010. Clients include the NHS, Primary Care Trusts, GP's, and non-health organisations. It has a strong reputation for successfully delivering projects, maintenance, minor works, refurbishments, service relocations. Our clients include Southern Health NHS Trust, Solent NHS Trust, NHS England, NHS Property Services and more Our company specialises in both the commercial and domestic services sectors, providing: •Reactive building maintenance •Minor works •Construction works •All types of maintenance, including: flooring, plumbing, carpentry/joinery, electrical, roofing, painting/decorating •Refurbishments •Services relocations We offer you the highest quality, expert workmanship and speed of delivery that will assure you every step of the way. We guarantee our service and will always place your satisfaction at the forefront of our business. Ensuring your business continues to run smoothly and minimise disruption to your business, so as not to effect the way your service is run while we are working in partnership with you. We strive to satisfy all our clients' needs in a professional manner and with the best value possible.Constructionline Approved Contractor