Founded by brothers Hovey and Scott Tinsman, Twin State, Inc. was incorporated in 1958 with the purpose of designing a manufacturing process for clear liquid fertilizer analyses for the agricultural market in eastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois. This includes suspensions as well as all NPK and 10-34-0 starters and minor elements. All of our products travel to the market under the trademark, "Liqui-Grow." Twin State Inc. is completely family owned and now operated by three generations – all of which are still involved today. We manufacture and market a complete line of liquid fertilizers, store and market grain, operate lumberyards and hardware stores, sell fuel, and even have an advanced manufacturing robotics startup! While now having approximately 250 full-time and some 350 seasonal employees, Twin State, Inc. still concentrates on hiring quality staff in all areas… that includes administration, production, engineering, research, and sales. Twin State Inc's. continues to research and innovate to provide quality products and timely service to their customers so that they may always compete in the global marketplace. In additional, our focus on continuous training and teamwork has been critical to our growth as an industry leader, and to that – we thank our employees.