We exist to make a difference in the lives of our patients and the community we serve through attentive medical, dental and mental health services.We exist to make a difference in the lives of our patients and the community we serve through attentive medical, dental and mental health services.DescriptionOUR VISIONWe believe that more than medicine is needed when providing quality care for our patients. Here at the HOPE project, we want to be the leading deep East Texas health provider recognized for our outstanding patient care, innovative technologies, programs, and medicines as well as a highly motivated, distinguished staff. We plan to achieve these goals by constantly seeking improvements in all aspects of our organizations. Currently, we are taking strides in building new facilities, increasing community and patient outreach through various good-will programs, informational classes, counseling and shuttle services. Our Vision: To give hope to those who seek a better life by caring for their body, mind and soul; to aid the financially and/or spiritually poor, the sick, the lonely, the elderly, or the powerless.Our ServicesPreventive Health CareWoman's Health Care Family PlanningImmunizationsPediatric Primary Care, Texas Health Steps Examinations, Well Child Examinations, and Specialist Referrals. Adolescent Health ServicesSports PhysicalsGeriatric Health ServicesDiabetic Foot CareX-Rays and UltrasoundsLab TestDiabetic education and patient assistance in obtaining free or low cost medicines. Health Screenings for:High blood PressureSkinBladderThyroidBreastColo-rectalCervical cancer ,TuberculosisHigh CholesterolLiver DiseaseOsteoporosisSTDs