Assistant of Marketing Dept å¸åºé¨å©ç- EZParking China ä¸æµ·åæ³å®¢ä¿¡æ¯ææ¯æéå ¬å¸ at EZParking China 上海喜泊客信息技术有限公司 - Shanghai, Shanghai, China
China's Real Time Parking Status Data Service Provider• EZParking is the leading data service provider of "Real-Time Parking Status" for China's telematics industry, with Parking-availability data in China's most car-centric and parking-challenged cities.• EZParking's SOLE FOCUS is the parking industry; we set the industry standard for China's parking segment, by anticipating and preparing for China's auto market's explosive growth since 2009 – with accurate & reliable parking availability information … all in real-time!• With over 10,000+ CarPark locations throughout China – ALL with both Static & Dynamic data, EZParking has the broadest coverage and the most relevant and comprehensive POI data field information in the industry. • EZParking's RTPS™ (Real-Time Parking Status) data service is exactly what drivers demanded in their Connected Vehicle. It's the perfect solution for automakers, mapping, navigation, real-time traffic and Telematics Content Providers alike to gain that competitive edge in the market place.Real-Time Parking Status . . . Your Consumer Demands It!中国实时停车状态数据服务提供商• EZParking (上海喜泊客信息技术有限公司) 是中国车联网行业领先的实时停车状态数据服务提供商,覆盖了中国汽车保有量最大、停车矛盾最突出的城市。喜泊客自2009年成立之初就专注于中国停车行业,树立了中国智能停车行业的标准。• 在中国,喜泊客的实时停车状态数据拥有最广的覆盖范围,最全的停车场 POI 信息,最准确、可靠的实时状态信息。目前,我们已经覆盖了中国汽车消费主流城市超过10,000个停车场,每一条 RTPS 数据都包含停车场的实时状态和静态信息。• 喜泊客的实时停车状态数据服务是车主需求最强烈的车联网服务之一,汽车厂商,地图和导航,实时路况, 车联网内容提供商都可以利用我们的数据进行独立自主开发的便捷、高效的停车解决方案,解决车主每天的停车难题。喜泊客的实时停车状态数据服务,帮助您满足车主需求,提升产品竞争力!