Social Lens Research helps organizations better understand, reach and serve their target audiences. Our approach to research is lean, iterative and collaborative. Our team leverages deep experience in product strategy, marketing outreach, social media and customer experience design to offer actionable and high-value recommendations. We design research experiences to help participants explore and share their experiences, needs, and preferences. Research findings are packaged to help teams easily digest and share key findings with stakeholders. EXPERTS AT ENGAGING HARD TO REACH AUDIENCES* Multicultural Populations (Hispanic, African American)* Small Business Owners (Under 50 employees, Women-owned, Minority-owned)* Gamers/Tech Early Adopters* Tweens/Teen/College Students* Frontline EmployeesDIGITAL/EMERGING TECH EXPERTISE* Mobile Technology* Social Media* B2B Platforms* Artificial Intelligence* Voice AssistantsENGAGING RESEARCH EXPERIENCE DESIGN* Gamified* Interactive * Rewarding* Mobile First* ImmersiveACTIONABLE/DIGESTIBLE RESULTS* Strategic insights and high-value recommendations* Easy to digest visual and story-based results (video clips, infographic)Clients include Google, Electronic Arts, Cabot Cheese, Univision, Disney, Mobile Future, and