Co-founder and CEO of ADVO VN Education Corporation & CAD consulting Corporation
Developing gamechangers of the future. In Advo Education, we teach only 1 lesson – Dreams and Success. This has always been the fundamentals of what we do. We deliver the same lesson, just through different contexts. For example, we want primary school kids to learn dreams and success using the vehicles of Math and Science. You see, this is what we do differently. We are possibly crazy people who love to challenge the norms. Let me share with you one of the crazy things that we do to deliver Dreams and Success to our kids.For example, we have a programme in which we take in students 2 weeks before O/A levels, and these students are mostly F9 students which even some school teachers "condemn" as sure-fail cases. We even give a 100% money back guarantee if they do not have 3 grade jump for F9 students because we strongly believe that if we do not give value, we don't take the money. Because the time to work with is short, we conduct an evaluation to make sure that the child is ready for change and committed to creating success with us and his parents. After 2 weeks, we have phenomenal transformation for some of the kids.So to do what we are doing, we need 2 things: A Coach who is committed to his dreams and A powerful technology called OPCM that allows students to achieve results.We only take in people who not only have passion in coaching, but must be committed to their dreams. We are possibly the only company in the world that does a Dream Interview to choose educators to work with us by looking at how passionate and committed they are towards their dreams. Because we know one thing: Our children will only have dreams if their parents and teachers have dreams. That's the thing that is missing in the education system today. Of course such confidence to transform is also backed with our unique technology to organize information called the OPCM - One Page Concept Map.