ThemeVision LLC provides trial consulting, graphic design, and opinion research services to law firms, businesses, and government. Our consultants are social-science Ph.D.s who also hold advanced degrees in law or legal studies, as well as graphic designers and animators. We have the responsiveness you would expect from a boutique consulting firm, but we also enjoy the resources typically associated with the largest consulting firms. This combination has allowed us to grow our national practice serving both large and small clients. Our trial consulting clients have ranged from Fortune 100 companies to small law firms representing individual injured plaintiffs. The common denominators among our clients are their integrity, their desire to win, and their recognition that there is more to winning a case than the facts and the law. Often, what matters most are the decision-maker's perceptions of the facts and the law. Consequently, shaping those perceptions cannot be left to chance alone. Our graphic design services complement our trial consulting services with exhibits and presentation materials that effectively and persuasively communicate complex information. Our opinion research practice applies many of the same social-science methodologies as our trial consulting practice (such as telephone surveys, focus groups, and web-based surveys) to issues our clients confront outside the context of litigation, often involving political and policy-related decision making.