Site Manager, Ka Hana Noeau at Partners In Development Foundation - Urban Honolulu, HI, US
Partners in Development Foundation (PIDF) empowers families to navigate social challenges and to grow self-resiliency, vibrancy, and healthy, secure communities in Hawaiʻi. E mālama i ka ‘ohana, ola ke kaiāulu, care for the family, and the community lives. From our beginnings in 1997, Partners in Development Foundation draws on ʻike kupuna, ancestral wisdom and knowledge, to meet the current challenges facing Hawaiʻi. We serve the needs of young keiki, their caregivers, and economically vulnerable youth and families in the Hawaiian community to overcome systematic disparities and historical trauma. Our programs are guided by time-tested values and practices that honor our kuleana for people and place in caring for our islands and communities. E ola ka ‘ohana, may the family thrive.Partners in Development Foundation believes that nurturing family success will ignite their ability to serve others.