Sisi ni Amani Kenya [We are Peace Kenya in Swahili] is a Kenyan NGO that aims to prevent future violence in Kenya by strengthening the efforts of existing networks of peace leaders. SNA-K's activities rest on the fundamental belief that local actors have the knowledge, social capital, and motivation to promote a sustainable peace, but lack necessary tools and capacity.Sisi ni Amani Kenya (SNA-K) takes a technology-aided approach to peacebuilding, and equips its local chapters with mobile phone-based technologies to facilitate rapid SMS (text message) communication between groups and with the overall community, and provides facilitation for its local chapters to plan appropriate usage of these technologies for peace promotion and monitoring of conflict in their local areas. SNA-K's activities fall under two main programs: Strengthening Positive Grassroots Civic Engagement & Voice, and Conflict Early Warning and Response. SNA-K has two local Chapters: One in Kasarani, Nairobi, and one in Narok, Rift Valley. Both Chapters are currently working to expand their subscriber bases, and each has their own unique programming focused on civic education, civic engagement, and conflict prevention and response. Sisi ni Amani Kenya also implemented a pilot program in Kamukunji, Nairobi, during a by-election.